Construction LP

Midas is not a real company

But I like to imagine they would be quite happy to use this as a landing page on their AdWords campaign.

The goal is to give the impression of quality service without going overboard and coming off too spendy. I think I hit a nice middle ground with lots of neutral tones and a classy set of bathroom photos all in the same color palette.

Functionality wise, we have strong reasons to trust the company above the fold and a solid call to action above the fold as well. As the viewer scrolls down, they get more reasons to trust the company followed by another call to action in the form of a contact form I am quite proud of!

Overall, one of my favorite pieces for blending style and function in a way that leaves me and the client very happy!

If you want to see the page in action, check out:

Econ Poster

Economics turns out to be pretty darn cool

Not something I would have pictured being particularly exciting… useful certainly but not something I would expect to throw myself into full tilt and make a set of posters that I feel would fit right into Wired magazine. I was assigned by the UND business department to make a set of posters around the theme of economics to fill an oddly shaped set of frames, those specs aside I was given free reign.

I started off by digging around for the fundamentals– what is it in a few short words then working outward. Turns out the field is highly specialized and an actual job position as an economist is pretty darn rare which gives the impression there is a glut of economics degree holders with no jobs they are well equipped for but this is not the case. Turns out the econ classes train people really well to handle large data sets such as market research, accountants, and fiinancial analysts.

After finding out these guys deal with big data, my intereest really piqued since abstraction of big data sets looks really cool to me! Seeing a general trend for the poster set, I got to work selecting fonts and coming up with graphic assets that fit the theme.

After assembling a good set of assets came a seemingly endless series of revisions from the staff as well as myself but in the end, there were high-fives all around when the final prints came out.

Here’s the second poster

Economics Poster 2

Want the print sized versions? Check them out down below!

Hi Res Part 1

Hi Res Part 2

Action Roofing

A clean, sharp, and functional site was just a treat to work on. The goal we were given was to make something professional that shows off the roofing and siding work the company does. We used their existing color palette of red, black, white and gray tones to put together a set of mock ups which took only a couple sets of minor revisions before everybody was happy with the layout.

Coding wise, the site is built off JointsWP– a really clean framework for WordPress themes that has Foundation baked into it right from the get go. The site makes use of the data equalizer feature in Foundation which allows you to generate divs of equal height via JavaScript which makes it more friendly to the older browsers than the newer JS-free flex options.


I don’t just do graphics work to pay the bills

Sometimes you get a cool idea and it is just an awesome feeling to be able to make it and sow others… it’s even cooler when your favorite band of all time posts it up on their tumblr link!

Bassnectar is a silly big multinational success so seeing my work go up there was one of the coolest feathers I have ever got to put in my hat!

Normally I’m pretty good at describing the tone I am looking for when I build something but in this case I have listened to the music so much that all I can say is I tried to visualize his music and this is what poppped out.

Tech wise, the piece is really simple. It’s an image created by Jeddaka on DeviantArt which I added a vector mask to with a chunk of the northern lights and enlarged slightly and moved around a little so the outline was clear.

Website copyright 2024. All rights reser-- Nah, I'm just playing with ya, the whole thing is up on an open repo on github!

Feel free to use it, break it, fix it, trash it, change it, mail, upgrate it.